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Vanessa Oslund Receives the Tom Chambers Trial Lawyer of the Year Award 

Bergman Oslund Udo Little is proud to announce that our very own Vanessa J. Firnhaber Oslund has been named the recipient of the prestigious Tom Chambers Trial Lawyer of the Year Award. This honor, given to a lawyer who advances the art and skill of advocacy, either through their performance in trial or by mentoring others, recognizes Vanessa’s remarkable contributions to the legal field and her unyielding commitment to justice. 

“This award is so huge to me because it recognizes and validates my approach to legal advocacy.  I have never been able to, or frankly wanted to, live up to the trial lawyer stereotype of the macho lone wolf with a big ego.  Instead, my successes have been forged through teamwork and bringing my full authentic self to the courtroom.” – Vanessa Firnhaber Oslund 

The Tom Chambers Award highlights not only exceptional trial performance but also a commitment to benefiting humankind. Vanessa embodies both criteria through her fierce advocacy in the courtroom and her dedication to guiding the next generation of trial lawyers. She has secured substantial outcomes for her clients, with her courtroom victories becoming the benchmark for the Trial Lawyer of the Year nominations. These are the stories and verdicts that resonate with legal professionals, setting the standard for excellence in trial advocacy. 

One such example of Vanessa’s courtroom prowess occurred when she secured a $30 million award for a widow’s loss of consortium in a wrongful death case with Brendan Little. Vanessa transformed complex legal jargon into relatable concepts for the jury. During her skillful examination of the asbestos defendant’s corporate representative, he was forced to admit that it would have cost the company “virtually nothing” to warn her client’s deceased husband of the asbestos in his workplace and that they broke the law by not doing so.  In her closing argument, she posed a poignant question to the jury, asking if “anything is better than having your loved one hug you when you’ve had a crap day?” She urged the jury to consider the worth of the defendant’s corporate representative’s time away from family, valued at $235 per hour and used this to help quantify the widow’s loss. Her ability to distill, humanize, and articulate such profound losses resulted in a unanimous decision from the jury in just five hours. 

Vanessa’s path to becoming a trial lawyer was far from easy. When she joined Bergman Oslund Udo Little in 2008, her potential as a trial attorney was not immediately recognized. Even after securing a plaintiff’s verdict in 2011 as a second chair, it took several more years before she solidified her place at the lead counsel’s table. Despite facing doubts and being advised by some to stay back and handle briefing work, Vanessa forged ahead, carving out her own unique approach to trial advocacy. Her determination and refusal to conform to the conventional mold of a trial lawyer have been key to her success. 

This award also acknowledges the lawyers who train and elevate others—a responsibility Vanessa has embraced wholeheartedly. At Bergman Oslund Udo Little, she actively encourages younger attorneys to take on significant responsibilities during trials. For example, last year, she stepped back into a second-chair role, supporting a less experienced colleague who was taking lead in her first trial.Vanessa’s support and guidance was instrumental in achieving a medical malpractice verdict of over $13 million with her colleague, Ruby Aliment.   

Likewise, in a case involving World War II era take-home asbestos exposure, she empowered her colleague, Erica Bergmann, to give her first opening statement.  Unsurprisingly, Erica nailed it.  The defendant never offered more than $75,000 to settle that case, but the jury disagreed and awarded $10 million. 

Vanessa’s leadership is defined by her collaborative spirit and trust in her team. She does not impose her methods on others, recognizing that there is no single right way to try a case. Her approach challenges stereotypes within the courtroom and reflects the values of equality and justice she fights for on behalf of her clients. 

Vanessa’s victories in the courtroom are matched by her passions for representing asbestos victims and survivors of childhood sexual abuse.  She has been advocating for asbestos victims for over a decade, representing hundreds of mesothelioma victims and their families, and achieving many multi-million-dollar settlements and verdicts.  She currently represents hundreds of clients who were sexually abused as children in State-run detention facilities.  

As the first in her family to become a lawyer, Vanessa understands that, for many of her clients, bringing a lawsuit is daunting. Accordingly, she ensures her clients are informed and protected every step of the way, embodying the true spirit of the Tom Chambers Award by advancing both the skill of advocacy and the welfare of those she serves. 

Vanessa Oslund’s recognition as the Tom Chambers Trial Lawyer of the Year is a testament to her skill, resilience, and unwavering dedication to justice. Her achievements not only set a standard within the legal community but also serve as an inspiration for those who follow in her footsteps. Congratulations, Vanessa, on this well-deserved award! 

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Representing Asbestos and Mesothelioma Clients Throughout the Northwest.
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520 Pike St.
Seattle, WA 98101

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1355 NW Everett St.
Suite 100
Portland, OR 97204

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